Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Visit To South Carolina

I traveled to South Carolina for Easter this Spring. One of my sons, his wife and two children live there and this trip was mainly an opportunity to spend "Mom time" with them. At this time of year, South Carolina is bursting with Spring greenery. Springtime arrives in S.C. about a month before it does where I live (on the southwest shore of Lake Ontario). Therefore, the trip was a taste of Springtime while it was still winter in the northeast.

I had a lovely visit with my children, got to make dinner for them one night. Made chicken French (a Rochester specialty) with asparagus risotto and a green salad. Had daughter-in-law's delightful Angel Lush with Pineapple for dessert. This cake is so refreshing and charmingly beautiful. She actually made it for Easter dinner and this was "leftovers" for our Monday night supper dessert. If you'd like to make this for your next event, it is super simple (no cooking or baking - just opening up containers and slicing store bought angel-food cake) and makes you look like "the hostess with the most-est". Here's the link for the directions.

I also served it for dessert on Monday afternoon when I had the pleasure of having lunch with my South Carolina etsy friends, Teresa of:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/creationsbyjessi?ref=teams_post and Jessi of : https://www.etsy.com/shop/KraftieKidz?ref=search_shop_redirect      plus little sister, Heidi.

We packed lots of activities into that Easter weekend and one of the most delightful was a visit to the South Carolina Botanical Gardens at Clemson University. Because our planting zones are so different, I saw plants in bloom that are not winter hardy enough to survive our harsh winters here in the northeast. My favorite of these are the camellias. How I dearly wish I could have these in my northern garden. Enjoy the awesome colors..........