Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Goals for 2012

One of my CASTTEAM-mates made this challenge: instead of making resolutions for 2012 set 12 goals for yourself to reach in 2012. You can find her blog at: http://www.livedelightfully.blogspot.com

I turned this idea round and round in my mind for a week or so. Several goals quickly came to mind. But I was stuck at about #6. Then the inspirations came little by little - bit by little bit..............until, voila!! there were 12

Some of my goals will require a developement process (step by step until it's finished), some are chores that once finished will just make life a whole lot more convenient, some I'll do once and then it'll be over-done-finished, some are lifestyle changes which I hope to practice steadily until they become part of my DNA. This is what I'm hoping to accomplish in 2012.

1 - when I receive a HolySpirit impression - get right on it - don't put it off even if I'm in the middle of brushing my teeth - because if I do, I'll have forgotten it by the time I leave the bathroom. Sometimes I'll just put this insight on my list of things to do today (I always refer to my list - I cross of what I've taken care of). Other times, I will stop on a dime and do His bidding.

2 - Continue to meet with Jesus - first thing each morning.

3 - Clean up and organize spaces to house etsy inventory more efficiently.

4 - Organize yarn stash on bookshelves that are already cleared for this purpose.

5 - Do a much more effective etsy bookkeepping system.

6 - Plan a trip to Florida (maybe two)

7 - Clean out and re-organize household file

8 - Work-out 3-4 times per week

9 - Become familiar with the BIBLE CLUB MINISTRY resources (Empire State Bible Clubs, Inc.). Praying also for the launch of this new club which I will co-facilitate

10 - Organize, delegate, plan, a Christmas Craft Show at my church for late Fall 2012 as a fund raiser for the new kitchen.

11 - Self publish the family recipes cookbook

12 - Read through the Bible - this time in THE MESSAGE.

My goals look like this one week old infant. Tender, tiny, delicate and new. With a lot of growth and development needed over the next 51 weeks of this New Year.

"So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but (only) God Who makes it grow......" 1 Corinthians 3:7


  1. Good goals! I've been meaning to blog mine, but keep finding something else to do instead ;)
    Is the little one related to you?

  2. Great goals, they sound acheivable which is good.

  3. Those are great goals! I read the Message Bible a few years ago. I think you will enjoy it.

  4. Beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing. Your goals, while personal, are inspirational to us all. I may even share a few of those goals with you ;) Here's to achieving them, with His help!

  5. Great post, great goals!! I loved reading the Message, and my son has his own copy now that he reads.

  6. You have some great goals for this year!

  7. Very nice, well-thought-out goals.

  8. April 9th, 2012 1/4 of the year spent - 3/4 more to go. I'm commenting myself on my progress - goals 2 - 3 - 4 are all yesses. #6 I took 1 trip there. #7 working on. 8 = not doing well here. #9 working on. 12 doing that.
