Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I'm a member of the Christian Artists Street Team on etsy. castteam for short. One of the things I think the castteam does best is to be cheerleaders for the other team members.

We have several weekly events that ALL team members may take part in.

We'll start with the weekend. On Friday evenings, the HELP ONE ANOTHER event kicks off. It lasts all weekend. The instructions for participating are on the thread. Go to the castteam homepage > look for discussions > look for HELP ONE ANOTHER > read instructions. In this event you'll enter an item from your shop that you would like to see the views increase. Your item will be promoted by the other participants. They'll use Face Book, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Pintrest. They'll "favorite" the item and add it to treasuries, etc.

You should make a note of the number of views this item has as you enter it then compare it against the view count on Sunday night, when the event is closed.

As this event is coming to a close, another one is starting up. This one begins on Saturday evening. It's called the "treasury event". This week we are working on treasury event #34. Two shops are randomly chosen from among those who have previously made treasuries for the treasury event. Below, you'll see the treasury I made for this event. The idea is to create a treasury/treasuries  featuring those two shops selected. Again, the treasuries are promoted in as many places as possible. Looking for the the thread? Again, go to the castteam homepage - look under "discussions" for treasury event # .......... (most recent date)

The castteam does have a Face Book page.  https://www.facebook.com/castteametsy?ref=hl
This page can be used for promotion.

On Wednesday's of each week, the castteam has a "blog blitz". The thread is actually opened on Tuesday evening so that bloggers can begin to post their blogs on this thread. If you have a blog, by all means, join in. Find it the same way, always being sure to post yours in THIS weeks thread. If your blog gets posted in a long past thread, it may not get noticed by any readers. This thread stays open for a couple days.

In the treasury below, the links are clickable.

If you are a castteam member, you belong to an awesome team where you'll receive tons of support.

'"Orange is the happiest color".......Frank Sinatra' by sammysgrammy

Treasury Event #34 starring :http://www.etsy.com/shop/seikashophttp://www.etsy.com/shop/LeahBelovedfeaturing half castteam shops and half etsyland shops

Felted Fairy Elephant, Ayana

Tangerine Valentine stretch ...

Cloud Pillow - Nursery Decor...

Felted Wool Flower Hair Clip...

Orange Crush Pin Cushion, Pi...

MarveLes CRAZY DAISY Quilt T...

FLASH SALE Vanilla Macarons ...

Suspenders and Bowtie Set Bo...

Convertible Infinity Dress K...

ACEO Original ATC City Urban...

Personalized Chevron Umbrell...

I Forgot Card Gray Elephant ...

handmade plush orange fox, O...

Vintage Postage Stamp Solder...

Hot Pink and Orange Paper Ga...

Orange Hammock, Handwoven Ni...


  1. Great post, Rita. And now I see why you wanted the link earlier. What a gorgeous treasury!

  2. Thanks for this recap of the CAST team! I just have to find more time to get involved in more of the threads!

  3. Good job explaining the promo threads. It works and we all get lots of views -- only because everyone who participates does their part and many go above the minimum required promo. Nice treasury -- I need to get one together for this weeks event.

  4. Tamara - it was your week. The selections are done randomly by random.com. I pick one number then the 2nd. Both choices were your treasures -- so I had to make a 3rd selection to get a 2nd shop.

  5. I think it's wonderful that you did this! I know about the various events, and participate when I can, but I always seem to find that there are many more team members who could join in, too! Wonderful post to get the info out there... thanks so much! OH, and thank you for choosing my ACEO to be a part of your Orange treasury... all so beautiful! :)

  6. Great blog! I'm with AnneMarie, i just can't get it together to participate in everything that i want to. I'll keep trying though!

  7. Thank you so much for writing this up! I found it very helpful. I am encouraged to do some more work! :)

  8. Thanks, Rita! It is important for all of us to get more views from outside our wonderful team.

  9. Great post, Rita! My views have gone up ever so much as a result of networking with the team. Oh, and is it just me, or does your treasury match your blog background? :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. I have participated in a couple of blog blitzes and a treasury event or two, but never the "Help One Another" event. I guess I just never noticed since my weekends are usually busy! But I'll try this one too! Should be fun promoting "one another" !

  11. What a wonderful team! This is my first "Blog Blitz" and I didn't even know about the "Help One Another!" Thanks for sharing!

  12. I need to participate in the promotion event on the weekends. Thanks for the suggestion. I absolutely love that orange treasury.

  13. Thanks for checking my blog out and following! I'm just now getting around to getting on everyone's blog since it is naptime....following you now, too!
