Thursday, September 26, 2013


L'autunno is Italian for Fall or autumn. A huge nostalgia comes over me in Fall. I am tempted to say it is the most beautiful of seasons but I can't because I think they're all beautiful in different ways. Fall is like the last "hurrah" to me. Of things that are about to go dormant, lose all their leaves, go to sleep. It's like they're saying to me, "I'm going out in a blaze of glory - but - I'll be back to give you joy again.............."

I'm planning to take a trip to the the Naples Grape Festival this weekend and I'll take my camera. I understand that the grapes that grow on all those Finger Lakes hills are not at their sweetest until they have been kissed by the frost. Then they're ready for harvest and wine making. I'm looking forward to this trip because I know the colors will be breathtaking. There has been no frost yet, as far as I know. But the grape pies will be what I lust after.

Here is my house's nod to Fall. Pumpkins on the front porch and a basket of orange posies on the door.

I was reminded by one of our castteam bloggers of the wonderful qualities of Mason jars. Here's her blog post about them.

They are like buried treasure to me too. I use them prolifically all around my house. On my kitchen counter to hold seeds, sweetener, tea bags, etc.

And in Studio A, to store a collection of vintage wooden spools of thread. (Studio A is where I spend most of my time during the day). It's where the desktop computer is. I have 2 worktables in there. One a weighing, packaging and mail spot and the other is multi-purpose. I stamp, make jewelry, glue, etc. on that table.

Studio B is a basement studio. I sew there and cut fabric on the pool table. This space spent many years as the "Rec Room" but now has been transformed to the sewing room.

                              Our houses go through "seasons" too, don't they?


  1. Found you on the castteam :) I love using mason jars and use them to store all of my craft supplies on an old wooden shelf, I must have 30-40 mason jars there now. What I've started to like recently is finding old glass milk jars at thrift stores and I use these for decor/craft storage now. I love it and you'd be surprised how many old and really neat ones are just sitting on the shelves at thrift stores. Have you ever used these or found them?

    1. thanks for stopping by - I so have one vintage milk bottle - on this shelf in my kitchen - it's filled with the marbles my boys played with when they were young. I did blog about it. You can find the post here:

      or just put in the title "house Tour"

      I also have a vintage bottle shaped like a bear with a lid that has a slot and can be used to collect pennies. You can see that on the shelf too.

  2. I love your fall decorations! I need to start working on my outside porch. I already have the pumpkins.

  3. Jars on shelves are not such a good idea in earthquake country. But your photos are lovely. Great post, Rita.

    1. thanks Felicia - no earthquakes here (usually) won't say never

  4. Beautiful fall decorations Rita! I love your Mason jars with the glass lids. Think I had better get to organizing my studio and fill some jars:)

  5. I just love fall! The colors fade all too quickly...

  6. Love your decor! Especially the wreath!

  7. Love your first paragraph in describing well said! I am a week behind in reading blogs but I am trying!
