Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Signs of Spring

It takes Spring a loooooong time to finally reach the shores of Lake Ontario that border the metroplex where I live. I think I see it peeking around the corner right now, playing "peek-a-boo" with me. Hooray !! I do see some little signs that it will be making it's grand entrance very soon.

The pointy little green spikes of hosta are pushing their way up through the now defrosting soil. Same for the lily of the valley and peony bushes. But some very brave little plants are taking their chances of getting their noses nipped by Jack Frost.

The chives are really the very first sign that Spring is on it's way. This little potful has been grinding away pushing chive stems up from the dirt for about a month now.

 Another one of the first harbingers of Spring. The forsythia bush. I like them totally unkempt. Just growing every which way, like they like to do. This one lives beside my garage. You can see the trees in the background have yet to leaf out.

This magnolia tree is in my neighbor's yard. I don't have one. These magnolias are different than the ones in the southland. These just bloom once. In the early spring. When the flowers wilt and fall on the ground, you'd think it snowed again. Once the flowers are gone, the magnolia leafs out and has those shiny, leathery leaves like the southern magnolias have, only much smaller.

This quince bush is in my yard. In bud stage now. The flowers are exquisite. A bright persimmon color. When the flowers fade, the fruit follows. I do have a recipe to make quince jelly, but I never have. Maybe this will be the year. The squirrels like to nosh on the quince fruit that falls on the ground.

I just had to share this picture with ya'll. Cinco de Mayo. This is when we western New Yorkers know that Spring is about to break out. Our local favorite supermarket celebrates by serving this at lunchtime. Two shredded pork filled tortillas with a side of rice and black bean salad. Delicioso !!


  1. Yummy...your lunch looks good. :-)

    Our chives are coming up too. My 11 year old likes to nibble on them :-) he picks them and chews on them when they play outside.

  2. All those blossoms that you showed were in bloom here some time ago. The forsythia is all leaves now as is the Magnolia tree. Pooh! So, now we are enjoying the late bloomers--some rhododendrons, azaleas and dogwood trees!

  3. Gorgeous spring pix. I think it is beautiful everywhere. My chives are blossomed and I'm planning salads to put them in. We always feel obliged to eat Mexican or Tex Mex on May 5th also:)

  4. Rita your neighbor has a little piece of Georgia in her yard. Lol!

    I know you must be elated to have some warmer weather. You have had a pretty rough winter.

  5. That magnolia bush is gorgeous! Spring has been around here for awhile now, but it has been much milder than usual for this time of year.

  6. I just sowed chive seeds this past weekend, I can't wait to see them flower. Your plants all look wonderful. Yay for Spring arriving x

  7. Still waiting for my yard to bloom! My forsythia did and is already greening up. Nice to see others' in the area have some color!
