Monday, June 30, 2014

Fairie Garden

Ever since I attended the annual Greece Performing Arts Society garden tour on June 14th, I have been obsessed with making a little fairie garden of my own. I saw so many of them on that tour and I was totally inspired. I blogged about the tour. You can see it here if you missed it.

So, I thought about it and thought about it, dreamt about it, planned it out, looked in second hand stores for a suitable container. Didn't find one that tickled my fancy. I even thought about using my big, old roaster. The navy blue enamel one with the white dots but couldn't bear to punch holes in it for water drainage.

I did, however, have an old plastic wheelbarrow that belonged to one of my granddaughters. It really should have gone to the landfill long ago. But I'm glad I saved it. I gave it a bath and repaired the one and only wheel it had so it would bear the weight of the garden soil. Then went to work making a fairie garden. That means everything has to be tiny. I knew I had a fairie house in my Christmas decorations. I also had seashells which I could make a garden path from. (You could also use pebbles)

I dumped garden soil into the wheelbarrow. Scooped up moss that grows in shady places in my own "big girl" garden. The moss is going to be the fairie grass. I set the house in a corner of the little garden. Planted a "hens 'n chicks" in front of it. Took another succulent that looked like little trees to me and planted them on either side of the house.

From the house,  I layed out a meandering path of shells through the garden. From two tiny twigs and some twine, I fashioned a clothesline and hung teeny tiny little clothes from miniature clothespins on the line to dry in the sunshine. It was no end of fun to make those miniscule clothes. A tiny pair of farmers jeans, two dresses and a nightie. Don't miss the little birdbath in front of the "hens 'n chicks" plant. I made that from an "orphan" miniature tea set saucer glued to a golf tee.

I made a reflecting pond in the garden from a tiny mirror.

And after a visit to my "all time favorite shop" (Crafts Bits 'n Pieces), I had a wee mailbox and bird house for the garden.

I think it has all it can hold. I will have to quit, though I don't really want to. I have so many other ideas for fairie gardens. If you live near me and you'd like one, let me know so we can build you one together.


  1. That's a neat idea. You are so creative!

  2. I recently discovered these for the first time as well. A garden store near me has a whole room of supplies for the fairy gardens. But i think finding things in nature adds so much more to it. Great job!

  3. Love it! Making a fairy garden is on my to do list.

  4. What fun! I love that little clothes line and tiny clothes. Also, what creativity re-using almost everything to make it!

  5. Very adorable and creative! Last year at the Cornhill Festival downtown there was a whole area reserved for artists to display their handmade fairie gardens....did you see it? I fell in love with the idea then but haven't tried one for myself yet...

  6. So sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so much.

  7. That looks great! That was very smart to use some moss from your own garden. I also like the succulents in it.

  8. This is so cute! You did a great job. I love the little clothes!
