Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer's Grand Finale

Is it true that after Labor Day, it's not cool to wear white any more? Why not? Summer's over, back to school, fall clothes, apple pie, pumpkins. Before you know it it'll be Thanksgiving, then Black Friday, then Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day and New Year's. Wow, that flew by.

That's how it is with us, time racing, busy, busy, busy.

But, I took my good old time saying good bye to summer yesterday on Labor Day. My plan was to visit my sister at her lake house but on my way I planned to stop at an antique mall that I've been longing to visit for a long time.

I also planned to get an ice cream cone after the antique mall visit but that didn't happen because my sister texted me and wanted to know if I was still coming. I knew then that she was getting a little anxious for me to appear. So I skipped the ice cream. For a holiday weekend, the lake house was unusually quiet. There were just 7 people there, including me. Even that was fitting for our farewell to summer. The day before they hosted a clambake and there were probably three times that many people plus the hubbub that such a large crowd engenders. In addition to roaring boats, kids tubing. etc. to add to the excitement.

I'm so happy that yesterday was a beautiful and quiet, slow paced and peaceful kind of day. Perfectly fitting for kissing summer goodbye. I hate to see her go. I love her so much. I love Miss Fall too but winter, not too keen on him. He's so rough, cold, gray, snowy, slippery and looooong.

vintage frame & vintage lace remake jewelry organizer

On my visit to the antique mall, I was more or less looking for some vintage wares to use for a new product that I've added to my etsy shop. Jewelry organizers. Since my aesthetic is remaking vintage, I like to use vintage picture frames and vintage lace for these. Of course, I saw lots of things that I would've loved to purchase but didn't need at all. I did find one item that I can repurpose into a jewelry organizer.

this is called a tailer tot - bottom tray & handle removable - becomes a walker
these are some of the things I would buy if $$$ were no object
After a leisurely drive down the east side of Canandaigua Lake, I park at a boat launch and my family picks me up in a boat so I don't have to drive to the south end of the lake and up and over a mountain (Great Tor), driving down a treacherous one lane dirt road to get to the lake house by land. So much safer to arrive by boat.

mountain in background would have to be descended to reach lake houses by land

Another new-ish product in my etsy shop are these crocheted berets. Fortunately there was a little niece there to play the part of hat model.

I do hope that Miss Summer takes a long time to actually take her leave and that she leave us with the glorious burst of Indian Summer before she actually hides herself for a few months.


  1. Looks like a fun way to say goodbye to summer.

  2. Oh farewell summer! Where is the Peddler's Antiques? On the way to Canandaigua? I feel like I've been there but not sure....how could I miss it being so close to me?!

  3. It looks like such a great time for all. The hat is so cute!

  4. The "no white after labor day" rule is no longer in effect, so that's good! I love fall, but I'm also a little sad to see summer go...at least the part where you have free time and no school to oversee. I'm glad your goodbye to summer went well. Love the pictures from your little vacation.

  5. Sounds like the perfect holiday weekend!

    I so love the look of the vintage re-purposed jewelry organizers. I took a peek at the ones you have listed in your Etsy shop. LOVE!

  6. Love the hat.
    A fun weekend with family. :-)
