Monday, September 22, 2014

What Color Is Fall ?

Took these photos on gorgeous day last week. Fall is a feast for the eyes. I love the smell of the freshly picked apples. I'm going to try a new way of eating them. My favorite way was to cut and core them, slicing into segments which I would drag through caramel. I certainly was defeating the purpose of the "oh, so healthy" apple by slathering it in caramel. Yesterday, my friend told me she loves to put a dollop of peanut butter on each segment. Now, that's much better. That's how I'll have them too. A little protein with all the antioxidants.

pumpkins in the sunshine - at local supermarket

gourds of many colors - white - rose - green - orange - mocha
at local supermarket - they have relationship with many local farms

These next two pictures were taken at a farm market that is very near my house. It's a delight to visit any time of year. The Fall seems the most festive. I think because it is so short - just a matter of weeks. All these pumpkins will be gone by October 31st.

This farm market is a destination for many school busses in Fall, unloading dozens of tots to pick their very own pumpkin to bring home. They also get to see lots of farm animals and a few wild ones as well. In the last picture is Mr. Peacock walking around the parking lot. There are lots of chickens, goats, deer, and donkeys to delight the children.
truckload from a local farm ready to set up at the farm market

local farm market - mums - corn stalks - lots of goodies indoors and out

Inside the market at this time of year, you'll find lots of local fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, pumpkins (of course), cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces, peppers, zucchini, etc. Lots of homemade pies, jams and jellies. Some fall décor, like wreaths and Fall flowers. They also carry local honey processed from their own hives, local maple syrup and, dry soup mixes.
I'm blessed to live near both these places. I don't just shop there, I'm entertained. In fact, one of my favorite sayings is: I go to the supermarket for vacation !

1 comment:

  1. Fall is definitely a feast for the eyes. I love this season so much because I making soups, stews, and wearing sweaters. The beautiful leaves changing is a work of art.
