Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Scarecrow Contest

The annual Fairport Scarecrow Contest takes place on the second weekend in October. The scarecrows line the Main Street in our little town from that weekend until the end of the month. Oftentimes, they get pretty ratty looking from standing out there in the rain and winds that usually accompany Octobers in upstate NY.

Therefore, I had a look at them on the Monday following the contest. It was a lovely balmy day and I took a few selected pictures of the many scarecrows, with my phone. I don't know which are the winners but it is an actual contest and scarecrows take honors in various categories.

Businesses, local families and organizations (like Girl Scouts) will create a scarecrow.

Fairport High School sports teams are the "Red Raiders"


Pre-School in the Village
Pizza Delivery Scarecrow outside of Salvatore's Pizza
EMT Scarecrow administering CPR
She was outside the Library - Notice her skirt made of books
Girl Scout selling cookies - notice the boxes of cookies
I think she's my favorite with the EMT scarecrow running a close second.
Which is your favorite?


  1. Definitely the EMT. Too too cool! Seems like a fun thing to do! You should participate next year :-)

  2. I also like the EMT. Fun contest!

  3. I drive by these a lot but I haven't noticed the ones in your pictures! Love the EMT. Love Fairport....it is a great little town!

  4. The EMT for sure, but they're all creative and certain to get you excited about the season!
