Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our Springtime Front Door

Do you change your curbside staging by the season? There's nothing I like better to do. Especially in Springtime. I wanted to show you the Springtime décor on our blue front door. I will also change up the two urns I keep on either side of the porch entry just as soon as I get the grapevine lit up trees from Christmas, out of the urns, I will fill them with yellow faux forsythia blooms. I do make changes for Summertime, Fall, Christmas, and Valentines Day. Spring is, by far, the one I most enjoy. Especially this year after the long hard winter we endured. It snowed 27 out the 28 days in February. We had frigid temps, slippery roads, buried mailboxes, mountains of snow piled up at the ends of our driveways - which is all melting down now. Spring is definitely approaching quickly. The birds know it - starting to set up housekeeping on my patio. The chipmunks know it - skittering across the bricks on the patio. I haven't seen any crocus popping their little heads up yet, because they're still buried in leftover melting snow.

I made a trip to Hobby Lobby last week for the specific purpose of bringing home materials to make a Springtime look for the front door. I brought along my 40% off coupon from Sunday's paper, which I applied to the yellow paper parasol which cost 6.99 (4.89 with my discount). I also bought 5 stems of these beautiful yellow flowers which were regularly 4.99 each but were on sale for 50% off. (12.50 with store discount). For $17.39 I have Springtime at my front door. 

Hobby Lobby carries these paper parasols in various colors. You'll find them in the birthday party décor aisle. I thought an umbrella would be the perfect vehicle to fill with Spring flowers. As you know the olde saying: "April showers bring May flowers".

Happy Springtime ♥


  1. That looks fantastic, and very thrifty. I don't make any changes for the seasons - it's not a thing we do in Australia.
    I'd love to see a photo once the crocus start to show!

  2. What a great idea. Lovely spring colours.
