Monday, September 29, 2014

The Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale

I received one of those totally charming postcards announcing this barn and junque sale. I had never been to it before and it was being held at a farm in a little town just east of where I live.


Held right on a farm ! That sounded enchanting to me and when I arrived there I was not disappointed. The farmhouse was situated on a hill overlooking acres and acres of rolling hills. There was a lovely barn. That, too, was filled with merchandise for sale.

musicians on the front porch

Vendors tents were spread out over the rolling hills.

From the house out to the road was a tree lined dirt driveway that had chandeliers hanging in the tree branches. This was a totally romantic setting, reminding me of Tara (Scarlett O'Hara's plantation).

purple chandelier hanging in a tree

The days of this event were two beautiful, sunny, not too warm days - perfect for wandering through the alleys of white vendors tents.

There was live music. There were meals being prepared on grills (barbeque chicken dinner). There was a whole section of the gardens filled with tables and chairs where dinner guests could have their dinners. There was also a food truck which sold regular picnic food - hotdogs, hamburgers, etc.

And so many vendors of some of the lovliest handmade items I've seen in a long time. This was an enchanting way to spend a lazy Summer afternoon.

Monday, September 22, 2014

What Color Is Fall ?

Took these photos on gorgeous day last week. Fall is a feast for the eyes. I love the smell of the freshly picked apples. I'm going to try a new way of eating them. My favorite way was to cut and core them, slicing into segments which I would drag through caramel. I certainly was defeating the purpose of the "oh, so healthy" apple by slathering it in caramel. Yesterday, my friend told me she loves to put a dollop of peanut butter on each segment. Now, that's much better. That's how I'll have them too. A little protein with all the antioxidants.

pumpkins in the sunshine - at local supermarket

gourds of many colors - white - rose - green - orange - mocha
at local supermarket - they have relationship with many local farms

These next two pictures were taken at a farm market that is very near my house. It's a delight to visit any time of year. The Fall seems the most festive. I think because it is so short - just a matter of weeks. All these pumpkins will be gone by October 31st.

This farm market is a destination for many school busses in Fall, unloading dozens of tots to pick their very own pumpkin to bring home. They also get to see lots of farm animals and a few wild ones as well. In the last picture is Mr. Peacock walking around the parking lot. There are lots of chickens, goats, deer, and donkeys to delight the children.
truckload from a local farm ready to set up at the farm market

local farm market - mums - corn stalks - lots of goodies indoors and out

Inside the market at this time of year, you'll find lots of local fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, pumpkins (of course), cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces, peppers, zucchini, etc. Lots of homemade pies, jams and jellies. Some fall décor, like wreaths and Fall flowers. They also carry local honey processed from their own hives, local maple syrup and, dry soup mixes.
I'm blessed to live near both these places. I don't just shop there, I'm entertained. In fact, one of my favorite sayings is: I go to the supermarket for vacation !

Monday, September 15, 2014

Quilt Show

I visited a quilt show on Saturday last (September 14th). It was quite near to the location of a conference I was attending. I visited the quilt show during my lunch break on Saturday.

Driving back and forth all week to the location were the conference was held, I had seen the signs announcing the quilt show.

It was an extremely pleasant surprise and diversion after sitting all week and industriously taking notes at the conference.

It took place at the United Methodist Church of North Chili, NY. The entire sanctuary was filled with quilts. They were draped over every alternate pew so you could walk by them without disturbing them. The church hallway had quilts hanging on the walls. In a huge room - I don't know what the church used this room for - perhaps a gymnasium or a large conference room - there were large bed size quilts. This room also had a few quilt related vendors around the perimeter.

sorry about the legend taking a bite out - this quilt was so beautiful - the stitching so elegant

the quilts had a legend with the name and how the quilter came to make it

Very large quilt - very wintery scene - in strips


close-up wintery scene - lots of shiny snowflakes heat set

child's quilt - all animals wore different shoes

A totally lovely surprise - tea was served in their tea room.

 I never plan to actually make a quilt but I so admire the dexterity of those who do. They seem like a giant mathmetical problem to me - matching all those right angles. I do, however love quilts, especially vintage ones. I have several of them, including a doll bed one. I treasure each one. They seem like a huge undertaking to me. I'm an "instant gratification" type of person. I want to see the results of my work in the twinkle of an eye. How about you?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer's Grand Finale

Is it true that after Labor Day, it's not cool to wear white any more? Why not? Summer's over, back to school, fall clothes, apple pie, pumpkins. Before you know it it'll be Thanksgiving, then Black Friday, then Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day and New Year's. Wow, that flew by.

That's how it is with us, time racing, busy, busy, busy.

But, I took my good old time saying good bye to summer yesterday on Labor Day. My plan was to visit my sister at her lake house but on my way I planned to stop at an antique mall that I've been longing to visit for a long time.

I also planned to get an ice cream cone after the antique mall visit but that didn't happen because my sister texted me and wanted to know if I was still coming. I knew then that she was getting a little anxious for me to appear. So I skipped the ice cream. For a holiday weekend, the lake house was unusually quiet. There were just 7 people there, including me. Even that was fitting for our farewell to summer. The day before they hosted a clambake and there were probably three times that many people plus the hubbub that such a large crowd engenders. In addition to roaring boats, kids tubing. etc. to add to the excitement.

I'm so happy that yesterday was a beautiful and quiet, slow paced and peaceful kind of day. Perfectly fitting for kissing summer goodbye. I hate to see her go. I love her so much. I love Miss Fall too but winter, not too keen on him. He's so rough, cold, gray, snowy, slippery and looooong.

vintage frame & vintage lace remake jewelry organizer

On my visit to the antique mall, I was more or less looking for some vintage wares to use for a new product that I've added to my etsy shop. Jewelry organizers. Since my aesthetic is remaking vintage, I like to use vintage picture frames and vintage lace for these. Of course, I saw lots of things that I would've loved to purchase but didn't need at all. I did find one item that I can repurpose into a jewelry organizer.

this is called a tailer tot - bottom tray & handle removable - becomes a walker
these are some of the things I would buy if $$$ were no object
After a leisurely drive down the east side of Canandaigua Lake, I park at a boat launch and my family picks me up in a boat so I don't have to drive to the south end of the lake and up and over a mountain (Great Tor), driving down a treacherous one lane dirt road to get to the lake house by land. So much safer to arrive by boat.

mountain in background would have to be descended to reach lake houses by land

Another new-ish product in my etsy shop are these crocheted berets. Fortunately there was a little niece there to play the part of hat model.

I do hope that Miss Summer takes a long time to actually take her leave and that she leave us with the glorious burst of Indian Summer before she actually hides herself for a few months.